Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Day of Thanks Days of Celebration The USA Holiday Season

Your studies may still be in full swing but you are likely to notice student's thoughts and actions are turning to the upcoming series of holiday celebrations known as The  Holiday Season.

The first of these you are about to experience is known nationally as Thanksgiving Day. This is a day, always celebrated on the last Thursday in November, set aside to give thanks for blessings, benefits or the good fortune of living in the USA.   Because this day is the initial celebration of this Holiday Season period nearly every institution, and this probably includes your school, spreads the celebration through the weekend.  Although many businesses choose to close on Thanksgiving Day, most remain open during the following three days of the weekend.

Your campus may become empty during this period as this is often the first opportunity students have to return home to visit friends and celebrate with their family. Because this holiday involves eating and eating and eating and eating  Planet College has previously posted a warning about expectations vs. reality for students during this long weekend. This warning is posted here.

Basically it says if you are putting off work intending to get to it over the break get real. You won't. You will eat your self senseless and go on an extended snooze cruise. This is to be expected. This is what this holiday is for.  Take a break. Eat a lot. Kick back and be greatful you are in college in the USA.

Happy Thanksgiving from Planet College

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Disney College Programs

The USA has been known as The Land Of Opportunity for over two centuries.  International Students find many exciting opportunities for education and adventure in the USA.

One American organization which has traditionally provided opportunities for students is The Disney Organizations. Disney offers a variety of programs for students wishing to experience the possibilities of a career in travel, entertainment or hospitality.

Details about these programs are available here.

International Students and Social Security or What is a Social Security Number?

If you have been in the USA for even a brief while you no doubt have heard the term Social Security and Social Security Number many times.  This post is to assist you in determining whether you need a USA Social Security Number and if so how to go about applying for one.

 If you have not learned as yet, Social Security is an American program which provides services and benefits to United States Citizens.  These programs and benefits are categorized and accessed by The Social Security Administration, a United States Government Agency.  In order to utilize these services a United States citizen must first of all obtain a Social Security Identification Number. This number is issued by that same agency. 

The number issued to an individual is also used by other organizations.  One in particular is the Internal Revenue Service, the IRS. Employers in the USA, are required to report employee's earnings using this number to identify the worker. If you are permitted to work during your stay in the USA you will need a Social Security Number.  If you would like more information of a Social Security Number and how you can apply for one use this link.