If graduation ceremonys were not completed on your campus during May those ceremonies will probably populate the early days of your June calendar. On many USA campuses the actual ceremony where diplomas are awarded is called Commencement.
This title could be confusing to an English Language Learner. Searching your English Dictionary ap you would learn the primary definition for commencement is ' to start'. The second definition is ' ceremony for conferring diplomas' and degrees.
Why would a ceremony which clearly signals the end of a long road for most students be designated with a word which means beginning?
The explanation lies in the origins of the USA's education traditions. Education in the USA is largely modeled after the traditions of Europe, particularly Northern Europe, specifically England and Germany. Those countries experience long, grey, overcast winter months. By the time the Spring months ocurr everyone is ready for a happy celebration usually outside in the sunshine. Because the granting of a degree to a student is considered a beginning, the beginning of their career and adult life, the actual outdoor ceremony is called Commencement signaling another beginning for the students.