Thursday, August 16, 2007

Late Registration

You’ve been there. Pull this snap shot out of your memory. It is the first week of classes. You found a class you need and it fits into your schedule. So, you go to the first session hoping to add. You’re sitting in a desk if you got there early enough or standing along the wall with thirty other people who are also hoping to add. The instructor enters and passes around an add sheet. You sign it, complete your registration, and now you’re in the class.

Fast forward, several weeks. It is the mid-term exam. Look around the room. There’s nobody standing along the walls and at least a few of the desks are empty. Now. Fast forward again. Think about the final exam. If you were there, what? Maybe, twenty other students taking the final. You and those nineteen other students have a fairly good chance of graduating. That is if you were there. If you weren’t then read Planet College regularly. These posts contain the essential steps toward you ultimate graduation with a degree from college.

This term after your register, late or otherwise, actually go to the classes in which you have enrolled. Everyone, every time. Make completing this term your priority above all else. This time make sure late registration means something.

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