Friday, November 7, 2008

Gradual Improvement.

Instructors on Planet College come in many forms. Professors, TAs, lecturers, there are many different kinds.

Most all that you have encountered are looking for one essential thing in your coursework. The are looking for gradual improvement.

Whatever the class, it isn't likely that you had the subject mastered the first day. The first day in fact you were totally clueless. That is why you were taking the class. If you had the subject covered you wouldn't need the course.

So from early on you attempt each assignment. These assignment usually become more challenging as the term goes on. The instructor collects and reviews and corrects assignments. Meanwhile you are hoping for a passing grade.

There is one clear assurance that you will pass the class. Answer this question? Is your work showing gradual improvement? This doesn't have to be dramatic or awesome, it just has to be small steps showing improvement. If you can look at your work, review the grades and feedback you have received so far and see some steady improvement then it is very likely that you will receive a passing graded for this class this term.

If you are not sure about your progress there is a simple solution. Ask the instructor. Get some time before or after class and just ask, "How am I doing?" I'd like to know.

Good luck. Hang in there. Stick with it. Graduation is coming, it really is.

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