Saturday, January 17, 2009

To do and to don't.

Around this time of the term it is common to find yourself writing lists. Usually of things to do. These lists help clarify daily activities which need to be accomplished. There are many such methods available on line and they are usually under some time management heading. Most students have some method of compiling these lists from sophisticated day runner multiple reference overlay or iPhone apps to a short list scribbled on the back of a Domino's receipt.

However you do this, it is important that you do. Do a list. Do a 'to do' list. Some lists are too general, i.e. "file taxes." Others are too specific containing tasks the student might be doing anyway like "brush teeth". Unless it is unusual or uncommon for you to brush your teeth it is probably not necessary to write down such mundane tasks.

Still your list is your list. And if commonly occurring mundane tasks give you a feeling of getting some thing done then write them and do it. Some list is better than no list at all.

Not often found but equally effective are don't lists. This negative approach can actually jar a student into a greater level of awareness. Don't park in the dean's parking place, don't forget the paper for Comp Lit. Don't spend your share of the rent on Jeager, stuff like that. Dont's are important too.

If you are not familiar with the common 'to do' or less common 'to don't' lists then right now get a piece of paper and write down three things you can do today toward your graduation. Three things. Simple.

However you do it and what ever your approach get to it. It is that time of year.

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