Monday, April 6, 2009

But my boss is an idiot.

Work can be tough sometimes and having an unreasonable boss doesn't help. Most experienced Planet College students have had several jobs while financing their college careers. Along the way most have also had a difficult boss, supervisor or owner. No matter what the position there always seems to be at least one difficult person who has authority or is in control. The forms of unreliability or difficulty are many; clearly favoring one worker over another, issuing conflicting instructions, unreasonable expectations, even perfectionism, for the time available. You've probably seen it and can expand this list.

This can only be frustrating. Especially when you really need this job. And who doesn't?
What to do? Well, first of all quitting, is rarely an option. It is tempting when you are doing your best and it just doesn't seem good enough, at least according to your supervisor.

A little perspective often helps. Recognize it for what it is. A job you need - well OK- a pay check you need now. This job, at least this company, is a lot more important to your supervisor than it is to you. She probably has a great deal invested in her position. This means that being right is real important to her.

So. The solution? Agree. That is it. Just go along and be agreeable. For now realize that this is not the last stop of your career. (And for your cranky bos? It probably is the last stop of her career.)Your opportunities are expanding as you work toward your degree. Keep this in mind for the time you are at work.

Meanwhile complaining about work is a time honored tradition among hardworking, stressed-out students. So go ahead. You are permitted. You will find that almost everyone has or has had a difficult, unreasonable or even impossible boss. Go out with friends after work for pizza and soda or even a beer. Make sure you are a safe distance from your work place and complain away. Enjoy getting all that nasty boss work stuff out. And when you leave work. Leave it there. Things change. They always do. And you will be able to call this just another experience. An experience which will equip you to better deal with some future nasty boss down the road. And believe it, they're waiting for you back on Planet Earth.

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