Monday, July 6, 2009

A word about "easy."

Some words catch on and become part of the currency of daily living on Planet College. Easy is such a word. It has an attraction, "Easy." Sounds appealing. Take it easy, Easy street. The appeal of "easy" permeates our culture.

Some times students become too captivated by "easy." Often they feel taking the easiest courses or courses which are supposed to be easy is the best way through school. As some students have learned easy isn't always the answer. What is easy for one student is sometimes surprisingly difficult for another.

Rather than remain captivated by the alleged easiness of one course or another it is wise to ease out of 'easy' for the duration of your education. Rather than 'easy' substitute 'degree of difficulty' as a scale for measuring courses. Some courses are simply more or less difficult. If a course is less difficult for you that can free up your time to apply yourself to completing the requirements for more difficult courses.

A successful schedule, like the one coming up next term, is one which contains courses with varying degrees of difficulty. You probably know by now which courses or instructors are more or less difficult in your major. Avoiding difficult courses simply prolongs your time on Planet College and that can get real expensive.

If this has been your approach you may be surprised to learn that most students are stimulated by a difficult course and a challenging instructor. Whereas continuing 'easiness' leads students to boredom and disinterest. This fact is demonstrated on one campus which uses instructor evaluations. Often students have commented, " He made the course too easy." This has not been intended as a complement.

If you are stuck in "easy" you probably aren't making all of the progress possible toward your degree. Next term approach your schedule without the thought of "easy". This time use "degrees of difficulty" as a standard. Schedule a mix of courses which include varying degrees of difficulty. You may be stimulated to apply yourself for the first time. And the results may surprise you.

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