Saturday, November 14, 2009

Get a new picture.

During their time on Planet College and even before that most students have accumulated a number of picture ids. Driver's license, work ID, ASU ID. They are pretty similar; picture, name and what ever else is required usually an ID number often a birthday. A few students may still have some ID's going back to high school. Some still may have those magic little cards which featured a not quite accurate birth date, the better to facilitate social interaction of a certain kind. If you're a regular on Planet College you are probably past that. Still it could be worthwhile to take a look at the ID's you may have accumulated. Look at the picture. Have you changed much since it was taken? Probably a lot. This is the purpose of this post. Do you still need those old ID's? Well driver's license, sure. ASB card, definitely. Bankcard with the picture, of course. But. Overall are you still that person? Probably not. If you are still acting like the person in that picture, ask yourself," Is it time for a change?" Is it time for a new picture? Not just on the IDs but of who you are in life. Right now. On Planet College Growth happens, often for the better, certainly for the different.

Why not get a new picture?

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