Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Stuff Comes Up.

Kayleigh was working hard to complete her first college writing course. Recently she had an important paper due. Kayleigh is still at home and attempting to complete her first semester, freshman year. The week the paper was due her boyfriend dumped her. Plop. Just like that. Then her mother told Kayleigh her dad was moving out and they were getting a divorce. Bam! No warning. With this stuff now active Kayla attempted her paper. It didn't go well and her grade was barely acceptable.

Kayla found a friend, an instructor she knew, to talk about the paper i.e. what could she have done to improve it. While talking she revealed the current details of her personal life. The instructor listened, evaluated the paper and told Kayleigh he understood her dilemma. He told her to get some help, maybe talking to friends. And he also told her that on Planet College, just like back on Planet Earth, Stuff Comes Up. Some times all at once and sometimes it all just sucks. Depending on what her priorities were, if they included passing the class and eventually graduating, she at some point was simply going to have to move forward with her own life.

This is very important. In your progress toward graduation you will see that - like for Kayleigh-
stuff comes up. Not always sucky but sometimes majorly sucky. Still. If you want to graduate, get a degree and return to Planet Earth, you and only you need to continue to march. Get what help you can, hug your dog, feed your fish, microwave six helpings of Top Ramen and eat them all or whatever, but- move forward for yourself.

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