The purpose of your education is to increase your potential earning power once you have returned to Planet Earth with your degree. Right now your pursuit of your degree is taking precedence over just about everything in your life. Your degree will be granted when you have completed the necessary course work. At this exact moment you are involved in the usual term load. This load consumes your day to day behaviors. At times the day to day of Planet College causes student to lose sight of the eventual goal. This is inevitable. Right now all you really need to do is pass your classes this term. This can be a little trickier at times than it sounds, as some of your grades from past terms have shown. By now you know some courses are harder than others.
For many students some required math classes are difficult and intimidating. You know this if you have attempt your required math course and either dropped or received an unsatisfactory grade. If you've had this experience and are this term once again attempting that required math course this is a brief outline of how you can significantly increase your chances of passing .
Attend Every Class Meeting.
That is self evident. You really need to be at every class meeting if you want to pass this class this term.
Get Help.
This term go to the math help lab. The one they always talk about at the beginning of the term. It is probably in the math building and there is help there. Bring your book, your homework and your quizzes. Develop and follow a regular schedule to use this important resource.
Save Your Quizzes.
Most lower division math courses feature daily quizzing. By now you are very familiar with this procedure. It is commonly a five or ten problem quiz at the beginning of the session. These are handed back corrected with your score. They are very useful to keep you aware of how you are doing. Take them to the math help lab when you go there for your help session.
Go With The Winners.
Students like to complain. It helps to relieve stress. Some students are very good at it and some of them are even very funny. Sitting around the student center entertaining each other about how difficult this course is and what a so-and-so that instructor is is a hallowed tradition on Planet College. This term, for this course, at least, don't do it. Do not involve yourself with any students who are complaining about their courses and especially the math course you are trying to pass. The reason is simple, subtle but simple. Your math esteem, that is your estimate of yourself as a math student, is very, very fragile. In order for you to solidly increase your chance of passing this math class associate your self with students who are seriously attempting to pass their courses, especially their math courses. This is what is meant by going with the winners.
Apply these principles steadily and consistently and your chances of passing this math course will be greatly increased.
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