Monday, March 29, 2010

Spring Broke

If your entire building went skiing on Party Mountain and you stayed back because you said you had to study you are to be commended. If you studied. If, what is more likely, it costs a dime to go around the world you still couldn't go around the block then you are spring broke. Penniless. Flat don't have it, financially speaking.

This condition is serious but not fatal. In fact if you actually resisted something as tempting as round the clock partying because you just couldn't afford it you may be growing up. If partying at all costs is becoming a part of your past you may be subtly subjecting your self to emerging maturity. Eventually it catches up with almost everybody on Planet College much as many resist it. It isn't exciting, it isn't sexy, it isn't even particularly appealing. But growing up happens and you may now be noticing some signs of it in yourself.

Admitting anything is the first step in incorporating it into your awareness. And an expansion of your awareness, organized and otherwise, has been the overall purpose of your Higher Education.
Becoming aware of your skills, talents, likes, dislikes and even your limitations is the basic necessity of your continuing growth during and after college.

So, if your spring broke and you know it give yourself a quiet hooray. Adulthood happens, happy Spring

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