Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Don't do the crime if you can't pay the fine.

The sheer busyness of life on Planet College offers numerous opportunities to cut corners, especially with minor nuisances like parking meters. "I'm just gonna run in here for a second so I don't have to put any money in the meter." Experience often shows it is best to put the money in the parking meter- even if you'll "only be a minute." While parking without paying may not seem like a serious crime, once a parking ticket is issued the actual fine can be steep. And ignoring the ticket can add up to some serious money. Skipping a few coins now can result in to paying some major bucks later. Parking tickets add up. If they are on campus unpaid tickets can eventually interfere with getting copies of your transcript. So before you "just stop for a minute" in the disabled parking space or a no parking zone-think- do you have the money to pay the fine? Well? Probably not. So go park where it's free, even if you have to walk a few blocks. Don't do the crime if you can't pay the fine.

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