Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Let's Go Surfing.

Planet College offers vast choices for learning. Here's an example.

How To Surf A Wave In One Day*

Surfing is just one of the many, many learning opportunities available on Planet College. For those students who don't happen to have a nearby ocean or any surfing class there is still much to be learned from this video.

Watch it again carefully. The instructor presents himself clearly as capable, capable of being the instructor for this course. He also states confidently that you can learn this sport. He then emphasizes preparation, essential to success in any class. Primarily preparation begins with the proper equipment. He also illustrates the proper approach, surveying the area where the skill will be accomplished, in this case the ocean. The instructor emphasizes throughout his course your safety. He illustrates step by step the basic steps, positioning, movements and approach. He has divided the subject into small doable steps. At each step he re-emphasizes the basics.
From this series of videos an average student could probably with some determination and of course, a surfboard, wetsuit and ocean, learn to surf.

An average student could also learn from this series something else. A student could learn an effective means to approach and learn any basic subject. Go over again this instructors approach. He introduces himself and establishes his authority to be the instructor. He emphasizes safety and proper equipment. He presents the subject in simple basic steps. He reviews what has been learned at the beginning of each new lesson. He encourages the learner frequently and presents each lesson confidently. He also presents the benefits of having learned to surf for the potential student.

This basically is an effective means to teach most introductory subjects. If you have had trouble accomplishing or completing any basic course it is likely that at least some of the components listed here have been missing.

Think back to that class you finally dropped because you just couldn't 'get it.' Review it carefully. Assuming you made a sincere effort you may recall the instructor did not adequately present the subject. At least not for you.

Most instructors teach subjects they care about and are sincerely interested in their student's success. Most but not all. Occasionally, as you have seen, an instructor may have been a little sloppy, unprepared, remote, obscure or disinterested. At other times instructors are "plugged in" as last minute replacements. Frustrating as this situation can be it need not be lethal.

Reviewing this video and the presentation of the subject you now understand the basics of passing a class. When you find you are a 'little lost' in some course you really need to pass it may be that some of the basic elements outlined here are missing or under emphasized. Now that you know what it takes to present a subject effectively you can ask for help in the unclear areas. If not from the instructor perhaps from the tutoring center or even someone in your building who has passed this same course.

There is nothing more dreadful than that vague lost feeling which starts to creep up a few weeks into the term. Perhaps these basic steps might help you surf the treacherous seas of Planet College toward your graduation.

*This video was found on videojugg, 11/16/2010 and may be subject to copyright restrictions.

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