Thursday, March 3, 2011

It is your time.

Your time is priceless, irreplaceable. Effective use of it is the swiftest way to your goal, graduation. Effective use of time is an art. On Planet College there are numerous distractions. Distractions which can lead to an ineffective use of your precious time.
Most institutions of higher learning are aware that students can benefit from guidance, guidance of all kinds including time use.
At a large state university in Southern California, Dr. Tom Stevens, a counselor has developed a system based on his experience with students. It is based on priorities established by the students themselves. The University of Texas offers time planning to its education majors. Virginia Tech offers time planning in its study guide for students. Princeton too, like most other Ivy League schools and in fact most all schools offers time management instruction. There is a good chance that your school also offers some course or counseling or guidance which features the essential elements of time management or planning. Look into it. It might be through counseling, advising or the education department among others. It is definitely worth your time, and it is your time.