Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Mid-Term Is Coming And Presentations Will Be Due

Experienced instructors on Planet College wisely use the resources of their students to further the instruction of the class. One classic method is class projects. That is some time during the course of the term each student is required to make an in class presentation about one aspect of the course. These presentations are usually scheduled to begin somewhere around the middle of the term. This is because the class first has to get a general grounding in the subject before a student can present an appropriately researched topic.

Depending on the course subject, students are assigned or else choose one particular area to expand and explain. If for example, the course is American History, The Civil War, a student may be assigned one battle or one personality such as a general to explore for the class. If the course is Gerontology, Powers of Attorney or Public Accommodations for the Aging may be assigned among many others. Geology students may be required to report on the results of a field trip. The possibilities are endless.

If this is all new to you here is a Planet College tip. Along with the topic which you may be assigned or may choose you may also be required to choose a date for your presentation. If you can choose a date for your presentation choose one around the early middle of the presentations.

The reasoning behind this is simple.

If you choose a time too soon it wont give you enough time to prepare. Mid-term is the time when a student suddenly seems to have a lot due including preparing for mid-term tests. If you choose a late presentation time the temptation is to put it off. Procrastination is insidious and any sign of "Oh I can do it later." must be addressed promptly. Scheduling your presentation early in the middle of the available dates gives you enough time to prepare but also enough pressure to make sure you will actually do it.

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