Monday, June 4, 2012

Internships Update

Planet College has had an Internship Overview posted here for some time.

Planet College has since that post observed that the term "Internship" has become more common and more loosely applied.  Lately it has come to mean unpaid labor.  Work for free. No money. Nada.

This practice, offering 'internships' which are simply a means for a business to get free labor is wrong.  College Students eager for experience in their chosen field and now hungry for any position which could lead to paying work might respond to such an 'internship' offer. Therefore Planet College reminds all students seeking 'internships' that it is wrong, and possibly illegal, to solicit and hire workers and not pay them, no matter what the term for this non-paying work is.

Legitimate 'internships' have very specific guidelines.  Most colleges that sponsor, along with some local businesses or industries, internships for students have theses guidelines available for students to examine.

Where it can get tricky is, many companies, particularly small firms, expect that the intern will happily accomplish additional duties, tasks or chores along with the work of the internship. Refilling the copier, making a coffee run, cleaning up the break room, stuff like that. For the most part such chores are legitimate.  It is an opportunity for the intern to demonstrate their willingness to fit in, help out and get along and gain some exposure in their chosen industry.

The tricky part now has become that many companies offer nothing much more than grunt work, little actual industry experience, and, because it is an " internship", just don't pay.

As a means to combine work experience with college  credit internships are thoroughly worthwhile.  The key is, for most students, that the internship provides them with credit just like a regular course.  This course credit has to have been arranged between the business and the college and  usually the department as well. Art departments have a list of internships and sponsoring businesses, Business Departments same deal and so on. Thus it is likely that  your major department  retains a list of local businesses which offer internships. If you are looking for an internship check with them soon.

If you have not yet accepted an internship but are considering responding to the many Internship Available offers, first be wise. Find out if the company has an actual legitimate Internship agreement with your college and very importantly your department.  If you can verify this arrangement then, go ahead and apply.  If not, carefully consider what this might mean for you. Your  work, no pay and no college credit. What is that worth to you?  Really?

If you have accepted such an offer and are now working, take some time to, as we are emphasizing, find out if your internship is recognized and credited by your school.  If yes, well, then, clearly, continue.

If not you have some serious thinking to do.  As Planet College emphasizes you are an educated person and your work is worth something. Providing free labor which benefits a business and returns nothing to you is inadvisable.  If you find yourself in this situation carefully consider accomplishing a courteous exit from the situation as soon as possible.

You deserve to be paid for your work.

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