Saturday, February 23, 2013

Make That Speech

A survey conducted a while back revealed that many people are more afraid of public speaking, getting up and making a speech in front of a group, than they are of death.  This led to a television comedian observing that in the case of a funeral where at times friends or relatives of the deceased are asked to speak very often the potential speaker would prefer to be in the casket rather than alongside of it.

     By now you no doubt have observed that Planet College offers many opportunities for your to speak, some in the relaxed casual atmosphere that friends offer, others in the formal and demanding setting that classroom work calls for.  In particular your curriculum, the courses you are required to complete for your degree, probably contains at least one Speech requirement.  Often to fulfill this requirement there are a few options; Public Speaking, Oral Interp, Argumentation and Debate, may be among them. Additionally some campuses allow students to complete a theater class such as Introduction to Acting to complete this requirement.

     Whatever options are available to some students none of them seem anything less than terrifying. Given the above observation about the survey this is understandable.  Still if some speaking course is required on your campus ultimately avoidance is not an option. Sooner or later, and Planet College definitely suggests sooner, you must enroll in and complete with a passing grade some such course.

     If, up until now, you have avoided this right now is a good time to decide how you will accomplish this requirement.  All accomplishments benefit from at least some planning.  And this plan can benefit for a little basic research.  First thing to do is survey the options which are available to fulfill your speech requirement.  If the catalog or class schedule is not helpful make an appointment with the Advising in your department or on your campus to learn first hand what courses will suffice.  After you have a general idea of the classes which will fulfill this requirement, think carefully and decide which one presents the best opportunity for you to complete.  When you have decided which course you will take you probably by now know the rest. Find the schedule of classes for next term and register and attend.

Sounds simple, of course, but these basic steps will help you accomplish this, at least for you, difficult, difficult meaning scary, requirement.  By now you know that, finally, the only way to do it is to do it. Planet College regularly reminds average students that universities and colleges practically never waive basic required courses. Speech's inclusion into your curriculum is intended to prepare you for the many, many times you will be required to speak. And you will, in the future, very often.

So, here goes, again, survey, enroll, attend, do the assignments, make the speeches and pass that speech class.

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