Friday, June 28, 2013

I Want To Be A Fireman.

Remember that way back when, a long long time ago?  When someone asked you "What do you want to be when you grow up?" What did you say?  A standard answer and still surprisingly common is "Fireman." Not surprising. They get to fly through traffic lights in bright red loud trucks and wear pretty cool helmets.  Impressive, especially for a young child.

Along the way things have changed, lots of things. You have grown up and now are aware of more choices available.  This is common and useful. Still, if you look back, back to those answers you may have given about you and your life when you were very young there may be some characteristics which are still basically true. Fireman, for example, get a lot of recognition.  The are recognized as helpers protecting individuals and the community from danger. Heroes in a word.

What about your choices now? Fireman may not be on the list of your ambitions but it is likely that your intentions for your life still contain some basic values you had experienced about yourself when you were very small. While then you were not capable of articulating your urges as values now you can.

So this is an essential question Planet College is presenting for your examination. Do you still want to be a fireman?  Maybe not, but, more basically are your choices, career and personal, reflecting your values?  Are they?  If your answer is "Yes" then you are qualified to pass self-awarness with a grade of A.  If you are not sure or don't know it might be time for a little studying. A brief self reflection which scans your current practices and habits, friends and work life, classes you enjoy and never miss, will quickly show how close or far from your basic values you are currently.

If, even more basically, you don't know what your basic values are it is time to find out. And you can. It wont take long at all. Just ask yourself, "What in my life means the most to me?" There. There it will be. Is it family, money, recognition, achievement, friendship, loyalty, humor or any one of a myriad of qualities?  Go ahead. Ask your self. And listen carefully to your answer. What ever it is. That will be the basis for your choices for most of your life.

And, most importantly, if you still want to be a fireman, there is still time.

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