Saturday, November 16, 2013

Annual Reminder The Turkey Trap.

With the long anticipated and hugely welcomed break approaching Planet College here again reprints its annual reminder about break.  The original is here.

If you are too tired to click the link this is what it says.

It is almost time for a welcome break from Planet College. It is also time to remind students of the looming danger called The Turkey Trap.

Polly's story explains it well.

Polly heard the pilot announce 'Please fasten your seat belt as we approach for a landing.” and awoke from her reverie.  It had been a restful Thanksgiving break. She had arrived home Tuesday evening after an eventful freshman semester. She visited with her family, ate too much turkey and went on a snooze cruise. Saw friends, got caught up and now, as her return flight approached the airport,the cabin lights came on and another light went on in Polly's head. It was accompanied by an announcement that said, ”Oh my God, I've got a paper due for my ten o'clock class and I haven't even started it!"
 Polly had fallen for The Turkey Trap.  Since colleges started giving students breaks students mistakenly had assigned these times to get “caught up.”  “Oh, I'll just do it over break” is a common mis-conception students have applied to work due later in the term.   Don't fall for it.  You will not do anything over break. Don't fall for The Turkey Trap.  When you get an assignment start on it right away. Finish it in as timely a fashion as possible. Over break pig out, kick back, visit your sister. Bounce your new little niece on your knee and just generally forget about school. Period.  That's what breaks are for.  Don't fall for the Turkey Trap. If you haven't even started the paper before break, you won't do it over break.

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