Thursday, July 30, 2015

Signs of School Starting

If this is your first term in college in the USA you have probably begun noticing the annoucement of Back To School Sales.

America is an exceptionally consumer oriented culture. Consumers is the term socioligist and economists use for buyers. Buyers buy products.

Products of all kinds are for sale all over the country 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In the USA you can purchase anything from a hamburger to an automobile anytime of the day or night.

Advertisers are businesses which help companies sell the goods and services which they produce or provide. Advertisers use numerous means to tell buyers where and how to spend their money.

One of the tactics that has evolved in American culture to maximize the effect of advertising is Seasonal Selling. Products related to the time of year are heavily advertised through various media, television, magazines and the internet as that 'season' begins.

This Season, this time of year, is known in advertising as Back To School. You have probably already seen and heard numerous advertisements for products and services relating to attending school. Common products range from school supplies, books and paper, to articles to furnish your dorm room such as blankets, microwave ovens and mini-refrigerators.

Because you are quite likely on a limited budget it would be wise to review these sale announcements. If you are not yet fluent in English enough to make sens of these ads ask a friend who is  to help you. Spending carefully now can help you save money through the upcoming school term.

Also, you will get some practice in seasonal buying which will prepare you for the upcoming Holiday Season, the biggest USA holiday season of all!

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