Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I just partied all the time and I got a 4.0.

Some where along the way you will come across someone who says (about their college experience), "I just partied all the time and I got a 4.0. " Ever heard that? No? Yes? Ever said it? No, you've never said it. But you may have heard it. Either from another student or from the person themselves. It is a myth. The person who says, "When I was in college I partied all the time. And I got a 4.0" is mythologizing themselves. This phrase implies that they never studied. Even if they aren't out right fabricating, somewhere, some how they studied. Believe it. If they actually achieved a GPA of 4.0 for their college career they earned it. Unless they got their 4.0 in Partying ( and there are those who try) the student actually put the work in. And that is them. The point of this post is that is not you. You will not now nor ever earn a 4.0 period let alone do so while partying all the time. Any such expectations are not only unrealistic they are discouraging.

You are an average person. You are also an average student. Average people rarely get a grade of A in anything. More than likely they get mostly Cs, an occasional B and sometimes even a D. This is the common experience of most students. And with this experience you can graduate. Cs get degrees. So coming up this next term forget about trying to party to a 4.0. Take the classes you can pass. Study when you can. Get Cs, get going and graduate. Remember: Cs get degrees.

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