Monday, February 14, 2011

Get Your Story Straight

Seth Godin, A former marketing major who has done pretty well in his career since leaving school, often has worthwhile things to say about, sales, markets, and life in general including at times student life.

One basic tenet of Seth's business philosophy says we are all marketers. Well, ok, wait, he says all marketers tell stories. That is, people who are hired to represent products or services or people compose a story about their subject, their employer. This story is of course intended to put the best face possible on the company or person they represent. If they do their job effectively, you, the intended audience or consumer, the market, respond appropriately. You consume their product, applaud their performance, follow their career, apply for their service. If the marketer does not tell an effective story or tell the story effectively, there is little, no or the "wrong" response and the marketer/storyteller looses his or her job or account or position. Simple.
Well, not real real simple but not toooo complicated either. Seth goes one better than the area of commerce. He says we are all marketers, storytellers about ourselves. Worth considering. Right now you are a student. That right there is a big part of your story. What is the story you are telling about your student self? Much of it is what you say or don't say but a much larger part is what you actually do about your student 'story', about your student life.

Are your actions coherent with your general story about your student life? Well, are they? You know, you really do. So, ok, student, what's your story?

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