Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Skateboarding Scholarships For "Girls"

The upcoming term inevitably brings thoughts of school expenses for most students.  Everything about college has a price.  Experienced students have an advantage over new students in procuring payment methods and the means to fund the payments.  That advantage is based in experience. Simply, if you've been around for a while you know how to get things done and how to get things paid for.

But even experienced students on Planet College may not have found and used every resource available for paying fees, costs, tuition etc.  So here's a thought.

If you are new you have not yet experienced the frustration of searching for the "Millions For College" allegedly available.  Planet College veterans know that usually a few quick clicks show these sites either charge a fee for a list you can get from your school's financial aid office for free or lead to a site which was last updated in 2005.

Now, new or returning, sharpening your search terms can help.

 For example, female college athletic programs are commonly referred to as  "women's" programs just as male programs are called "men's".   Having worked diligently to progress in their lives, female college  fund seekers may not realize that occasionally scholarships are designated for 'girls'.

Girls have long been as active in athletic programs as boys.  Golf, skateboarding, archery, lacrosse, surfing to name a few have programs and competitions for 'girls' as well as boys.  And at times organizations sponsoring such programs offer scholarships for college students who they continue to refer to as 'boys' and 'girls'.

Most such organizations have minimal requirements for qualifications for their scholarships.  Usually a student, whether entering or continuing, needs no more than a 2.5 GPA.  Additionally, the organization requires an essay, probably not more than a thousand words, describing how the student has benefited from their participation in the activity.

Often, too, groups offering scholarships request a letter of recommendation.  If you don't have one yet previous instructors, high school teachers, choir directors, and even your old soccer coach might be a source.  Remember, these awards are not based on scholastic merit, they are based in your experience as a participant in the sponsoring program.

Assemble the required elements, prepare your application, check and re-check the deadlines and requirements and submit your application.  Follow up is often influential in these types of programs so until you hear definitely send an e-mail once in a while or, better yet, get a contact phone number and call " just to show you are still interested."

Hopefully in the not too distant future you will get a notice of award.  Usually,  these types of awards are between $750.00 and $1000.00.   Not exactly MegaMillions but still, money.

So.  Whether new or returning 'girls', 'boys', 'men' or 'women', remember, a little diligence may pay off this term and in the future.

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