Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Ok, Now Let's review.

End of the term.

Time to review.

How did you do?

Up to expectations?

A little short? Any surprises?

Take a brief time out. Now. Even if your grades aren't in for the term. Are you any closer to your goal,now? More basically, do you have a goal?

Will you be back next term?

Too busy for all this? Yes, Probably. But if you can answer yes to any of the above questions, before you leave campus find someone, one person, who you can thank. There is at least one. The library clerk who helped with your paper. The department secretary who approved you for a class even though you didn't have the pre-requisites. The dining hall worker who kept you supplied with snacks even though you didn't have a meal plan. Someone. Some one on campus has helped you this term. Before you leave go tell them. Just say "Thanks."

Have a memorable Summer.

Planet College

Thursday, May 13, 2010

A reminder about debt.

Project on student debt maintains a site here.

Bookmark it. It is important if you have any debt at all ( and who on Planet College has no debt?) to keep up with your rights as well as your responsibilties. For example there is a recent post about congressional action which could make at least some student loans dischargeable in bankruptcy.

This may not seem important now but it could affect you in the future. Check it out.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

When a C wont cut it.

This site is dedicated to the proposition that in almost every case a student can proceed through their schooling, never get a grade higher than a C and achieve a degree.

This is almost but not always true. There are a number of exceptions. One example will do. At a State University in Southern California no student can be admitted to the Film Department, to major in Film, until (among other requirements) they achieve a grade of B in the lower division Introduction to Film course offered by the department. For other students, not potential Film Majors, this course fulfills a lower division General Education Fine Art requirement and they can finish the course with any grade they wish, (Hopefully a passing one.) But students seeking admission to the Film Department as a film major must earn at least a B.

If you are not aware of the specific requirements for, for example, your potential major right now is a good time to start looking. Really looking hard at your schedule next term and all of the requirements looming for courses you need for graduation.