Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Payment Deferred.

Planet College regularly emphasizes the essential principle that hard working students like you  be paid for their work.  They should receive  earnings in a timely fashion following what ever tasks or contribution or work they performed.

College students are generally known to be some what more literate than the general population.  They are also usually desperate for cash.  Money.  Some enterprising individuals and even groups attempt to exploit this combination of skill and need to get students to get people to work for nothing.

This is what they do.

You have probably noticed while looking through job postings the term 'payment deferred'  in an offer of employment ad. This typically means that the worker,  whatever their contribution, will not be compensated for their work.  The ad usually explains that the payment will be forthcoming upon ( or contingent upon) some future event.  Often this event is the actual sale of the item which the student/ worker has contributed to.  These types of ads commonly appear in reference to writing which the ad poster wants done.  ( There are other kinds but the writing one is so common it makes a good example.)  Essentially the ads say something the sense of which is " write a script and when I sell it I'll give you some money. "

That is the approach.  Not quite an outright scam.  Who knows, maybe those involved really think they will be able to sell your work.  Maybe.  But. Basically you will be working now for possible payment in the future. Even if they do sell it what binds them to paying you?  If they hadn't paid you yet and the work is done, why should they pay you when they actually receive any money?  Sound like a deal?  No, no it doesn't. 

That is the Planet College report on 'payment deferred.'

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Added Benefits.

Planet College emphasizes the benefits of finishing your degree and regularly publishes information about these benefits. It has been widely acknowledged for some time that graduates, workers with degrees, earn more than those without.  That is a benefit a real substantial benefit. There are other additional benefits and one Planet College would like to point out is health care costs.

Health Care and its costs have been widely discussed recently. Opinions, formulas and predications about health care and its cost have now become integral parts of most political campaigns. Traditionally, for college students the cost of health care has not been high on their list of interests. Too many other more immediate cost compete for college students few dollars.

Soon after graduation, however, most graduates find that health care costs become a factor in their finances. Unless a student is still on their parents health insurance he or she begins shopping for some kind of health care.  This is where possessing a diploma begins to become financially useful. Surveys have shown that college graduates pay less over all over time for health insurance.

That is it. That is a benefit. Graduates pay less for health care insurance than those with out a diploma.
Over time, your money, your earnings, you save some of that money with a college degree.

That is a plus. Graduate. You'll earn more. You'll save more.