Monday, May 2, 2011

Big Shout Out To Grandma

Back on Planet Earth families take all manner of configurations; traditional, blended, single parent and others. One ongoing figure in most families, no matter what configuration, is grandma. Known by dozens of names and nicknames, grandmothers have often been the heart and soul of most families since there were families. Currently grandmothers have taken on many varied identities from old country still- can't -speak- more- than- three -words- of -English to one of the Areas Great Real Estate Professionals, the kind who tweets and drives an Audi.
Which is or are yours?
Doesn't matter really. This week features a holiday focusing on mothers. Ok, maybe. Some moms would seriously simply like to be left alone for just one day. But they wont tell you that.
Not grandmas. They love that stuff.
So this week no matter what your particular family situation give grandma a shout. There will never be any one like her.