Sunday, January 31, 2016

Februrary on Planet College Not All Holidays But Close.

Planet College is likely snowed in on many campuses across the USA. However if you are an International Student who is here for the first time or have not been here long you may be surprised at the holiday celebrations which continue through the month of February and very likely most of them are celebrated on your campus.

Planet College has an extensive explanation of the February USA holidays here.  The first celebration which may be campus wide where you are is the Lunar New Year, February 8 this year. You may be from a culture already familiar with this celebration.

Perhaps your campus will be celebrating Mardi Gras, the very next day, Tuesday February 9. If so get ready to party!

The next holiday will be February 14,  a very interesting celebration  known as Valentine's day, February 14.  This day is dedicated to love in many forms but particularly romantic love. So if some one says " Will you be my Valentine?' You must be very special to them and this is how they are telling you so.

And finally according to the calendar used in the USA this is a leap year, a year with one extra day in addition to the traditional 365 days. The added day is February 29. In the USA February usually has 28 days. In some areas of the USA it is a tradition that on leap day, February 29, women ask men to marry them, a reversal of the traditional practice of men asking women.

So where ever you are on Planet College in the USA it's February and get ready to celebrate!