Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Sands of Summer and The Sands of Time.

Planet College wide and culture wide the summer months, June, July and August have a vacation atmosphere. The general attitude is these months are a little more kick-back, a little more of a 'time out' feel. Students who are accumulating time and experience on Planet College aren't long seduced by this illusion. Which is what it is for a person whose time is as valuable as yours, an illusion.

For some lolling on beaches enjoying the sands of summer and the parties of summer nights is a rewarding and even necessary time out. For career focused students the sands are running through the big hour glass of their lives all the same.

Now, summer has become time to add hours at work or get another, additional job. This can reduce or possibly eliminate the need for loans this coming term.

Some students take advantage of summer courses offered either at their main campus or some campus closer to home. Making sure this course or these courses ultimately hasten their graduation date is basic wisdom, the kind earned through experience.

Experience shows no matter how you use your time it is still your time you are using. It is only in the hour glass that the sands of time replenish themselves. On Planet College and on Earth a day gone is a day gone for good.

This summer, your summer, will only happen once. When it is done how much closer will you be to graduation?

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