Monday, December 27, 2010

Pressing Ever Onward Toward Inevitible Victory.

The Planet College experience has been an international experience since college itself was devised. Exposure to cultures from around the world is one advantage, one of many, that higher education affords students.

To this end Planet College would like to present a virtual mainstay of Japanese student life. In that culture there is a head band evolved from traditional warrior apparel , a sort of Samurai doo-rag,which is often worn by students in that country when attempting a particularly difficult or important test. Those familiar with Japanese student life understand why this means that Japanese students wear these headbands, known as 'hachimaki' , nearly all the time. These types of headbands are always adorned with slogans, usually in Kanji*, like "Pressing Onward Toward Inevitable Victory". As you can see from the link the particular version displayed have a dot centrally displayed. This dot is a Japanese symbol meaning home of the Sun. ( Did you know the Sun is from Japan?) Like 'team wear' in the USA it, no doubt, has the value of promoting an indomitable attitude and solidarity with others so adorned.

If you don't feel like shelling out the bucks for one of the hachimaki in the example it should be pretty obvious you can fashion your own. All that is necessary is a clean, white handkerchief, extra large in your case, and a quick trip by the shop where that guy did your last tattoo. Those guys always know Kanji,and, if he's still in business, he can ink whatever slogan you prefer. About the dot, well, why not try your schools mascot or logo or something. But something simple. There you go. Now you are ready for your next big test, just like an old school samurai, pressing ever onward toward your own inevitable victory.

*Kanji is the Japanese written system of Chinese characters.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Don't Ask. It's a guy thing.

Gender equality has made progress in the last few decades. But there may be one area where gender equity may never be achieved. That is in asking for help. Or asking for anything for that matter.

You've probably observed this to some degree in your own life not just on Planet College. You're at the wheel, pressing through the night, driving with some female, your girlfriend or someone else's. From the passenger seat a soft voice caresses your ears. "Do you have any idea where we are?" Being a guy you say, "Sure." Whether you do or not. Your passenger remains unconvinced and suggests politely, "Why don't we stop and ask?"

No chance. Guys just don't do that.

And there is a sound biological basis for this behavior. Males, men, guys, us, are supposed to be in charge. In fact we are wired to be. We make a decision and move straight ahead, no questions asked. Females are genetically predisposed to be curious, to ask. You've probably noticed this in class. When an instructor says, "Are there any questions?" You reply silently,"Not on your life." "Besides", you think, "If no body asks any questions maybe he'll let us out early". Then from across the classroom a soft voice caresses every one's ears. " What I want to know is . . . " or " What if . . . " Or. Well, a question from a female, coed, girl, the opposite sex, one of those. While in the short term this may cause class to go on too long, at least for your schedule, asking isn't such a bad thing.

Try it. Next time you don't know something (and for most guys this is very tough to admit.) even in class. Ask. Just ask.

Who knows you might learn something. And after all this is what Planet College is for.

Friday, November 26, 2010

But wait there's still more.

Brian Armstrong is a college graduate who has some observations about college, learning and life which he has developed since graduation. You can read them here. Planet College does not disagree with Brian's over all conclusion which is specifically much of what is required on Planet College isn't useful back on Planet Earth. Essential skills such as personal finance and meeting people are not taught at all in most school systems. True enough and regrettable to say the least. Still, Planet College maintains that your higher education experience does have enduring value for average students. Among the most valuable are the friends you've made and are making through your school experience. Additionally the skills you develop negotiating the daily maze of school while working toward your degree will be permanently useful for you. Brian notes that the content of most courses is useful only for passing that course. Undeniably accurate however acquiring the content in a demonstrable manner means that your learning skills are expanded. When you have to learn something that you really will be applying you know you can do it. Finally Brian's thoughts are clearly presented in a useful manner. Brian probably learned how to do this in college. So If you choose to read and consider Brian's work remember it was written by a college graduate.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Let's Go Surfing.

Planet College offers vast choices for learning. Here's an example.

How To Surf A Wave In One Day*

Surfing is just one of the many, many learning opportunities available on Planet College. For those students who don't happen to have a nearby ocean or any surfing class there is still much to be learned from this video.

Watch it again carefully. The instructor presents himself clearly as capable, capable of being the instructor for this course. He also states confidently that you can learn this sport. He then emphasizes preparation, essential to success in any class. Primarily preparation begins with the proper equipment. He also illustrates the proper approach, surveying the area where the skill will be accomplished, in this case the ocean. The instructor emphasizes throughout his course your safety. He illustrates step by step the basic steps, positioning, movements and approach. He has divided the subject into small doable steps. At each step he re-emphasizes the basics.
From this series of videos an average student could probably with some determination and of course, a surfboard, wetsuit and ocean, learn to surf.

An average student could also learn from this series something else. A student could learn an effective means to approach and learn any basic subject. Go over again this instructors approach. He introduces himself and establishes his authority to be the instructor. He emphasizes safety and proper equipment. He presents the subject in simple basic steps. He reviews what has been learned at the beginning of each new lesson. He encourages the learner frequently and presents each lesson confidently. He also presents the benefits of having learned to surf for the potential student.

This basically is an effective means to teach most introductory subjects. If you have had trouble accomplishing or completing any basic course it is likely that at least some of the components listed here have been missing.

Think back to that class you finally dropped because you just couldn't 'get it.' Review it carefully. Assuming you made a sincere effort you may recall the instructor did not adequately present the subject. At least not for you.

Most instructors teach subjects they care about and are sincerely interested in their student's success. Most but not all. Occasionally, as you have seen, an instructor may have been a little sloppy, unprepared, remote, obscure or disinterested. At other times instructors are "plugged in" as last minute replacements. Frustrating as this situation can be it need not be lethal.

Reviewing this video and the presentation of the subject you now understand the basics of passing a class. When you find you are a 'little lost' in some course you really need to pass it may be that some of the basic elements outlined here are missing or under emphasized. Now that you know what it takes to present a subject effectively you can ask for help in the unclear areas. If not from the instructor perhaps from the tutoring center or even someone in your building who has passed this same course.

There is nothing more dreadful than that vague lost feeling which starts to creep up a few weeks into the term. Perhaps these basic steps might help you surf the treacherous seas of Planet College toward your graduation.

*This video was found on videojugg, 11/16/2010 and may be subject to copyright restrictions.

Just A Note Before You Go.

The traditional break is looming and so the traditional Planet College advisory about Thanksgiving applies as it does every year at this time. Read it here. Read it carefully.

Monday, November 8, 2010

What do I have to do to pass this class?

By now in the term your progress in any course you've been taking is pretty clear. Isn't it? That is you should generally understand what grade you can expect for each individual course. If you are not fairly clear about your standing, for instance, if your attendance has been spotty it is probably wise to talk with your instructor. When you do your intention is simply to find out for sure if you can expect a passing grade for her course. The procedure is simple. First find her office, if she has one and also find out her office hours. This is preferable to merely speaking with her right after class. If you feel your grade is iffy you made need a little more time. Once you find her office and hours call to make an appointment. This important because instructors time is valuable and this shows her you respect that. Remember, if you haven't spoken at all with your instructor you may have to introduce your self to her. When you go bring any class materials you may have questions about. And bring a pencil and paper. After you have established who your are tell her you want to know exactly what you have to do to get a passing grade in her class. It is likely she will have her grade book handy and will probably review it. What you want to know is are there any missing assignments still due. Also is there anything else pending that you will need to take care of for her class by the end of the term. Finally, ask her what grade you must receive on the final to assure a passing grade.

Carefully note by writing down the information she provides you with. This is your guide to a passing grade for this class. Then, follow through. Late or missing assignments, turn them in. Need at least a B on the final to pass. Study. If there is tutoring available for this course use them.

You don't want another D, F or incomplete. You don't want to have to take it over in summer school.

What ever it takes to get a passing grade go find out and do it.

The More I Work The Faster My Money Goes

With winter break coming soon students on Planet College are looking forward to - working more. Either more hours at their regular jobs or seasonal jobs or both. Which ever it is most students will once again realize truth of the line from the original rock and roll classic Shake, Rattle and Roll, "The more I work the faster my money goes." Working all week for a paycheck which disappears in one weekend night is a common frustration. The obligations toward friends and family during the holidays does nothing to ease this frustration.

This post is about one more frustration, taxes.

Earnings are taxed just like everything else. Some time next year you will probably owe money on the money you are earning this year. Some of this obligation may be relieved by withholding, the money taken out of your paycheck for your future income tax obligation. When you fill out the paperwork after being hired you fill out among other things a form called a W-4. This authorizes your employer to take out a set amount of your earnings each pay period. This money, a deduction from your paycheck, is intended to pay for your federal and in some cases state tax obligation.

Next year you will receive a W-2, a form from your employers which will detail how much you earned and how much was withheld from your earnings. That is in part an explanation of the frustration you feel when you work more and seem to have less.

Right now as the busyness of the end of the term and the winter break mounts there is little time to stop and examine your financial situation. More work simply means at least some more money right now.

Next year, when you get those w-2s and start doing your tax return for 2010 look carefully at the amount which has been withheld and the amount you will actually owe in taxes. Too much withholding could mean a refund check from the government. Not enough withholding will probably mean you will be sending a check to the government. Either way then would be a good time to look at your w-4 amounts. If it seems wise to adjust them one way or another it will probably be possible to submit a new W-4 to your employer. Check on it.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

What's for dinner? IKEA again.

Dining hall food seems intended to drive students to dine anywhere but the dining hall. For countless eons the numbing sameness and general overall lack of appeal has been the stuff of complaining conversations across Planet College. However, dining anywhere else cost more money of course. It is this additional cost which keeps most poverty stricken students chained to their meal plan.

Now, IKEA, yes that IKEA, has developed simple, easy to follow videos displaying food preparation. These videos are based on a brilliantly simple cookbook which they have recently issued. The book is free, written in Swedish and available in - Sweden. But the videos which lay out food preparation in the style of an illustrated technical manual, are available now on line. The ingredients and the basic utensils needed are clearly presented in the video as well as the procedure of preparing the food (its called cooking, ask your mom).

The requirements are so basic and the food so simple it is possible that you could start preparing your own meals right there in your room. And you don't even need one of those little metal wrenches like you did to put your desk together.

Bon Appetit!

Sleep late and still get to class on time.

This weekend the semi annual ritual of time confusion occurs once again. The shift is from daylight savings to standard which is scheduled for Saturday night. This means re- setting your time keeping devices, clocks, watches and even some computer. Moving the big hand back on hour will add an extra sixty minutes to your morning schedule, if you have a morning schedule. This means that you can sleep late Monday, ( of course, you're sleeping late Sunday) and possibly, for once, get to your eight o'clock class on time. Enjoy.

Beer Bongs and Buddah

If you hadn't dropped that Intro to Philosophy class you might have gotten to the part where the Instructor covered Eastern Philosophy. The wisdom of Buddha, the sage pronouncements of Confucius, or the ever timeless Lao T'sze. They, each in their own way, describe living creation as an Eternal Now, a timeless Cosmic Void in which change is a seductive illusion.

Good thing you dropped.

While time on Planet College often seems like a continuous wheel of get-up-late, sleep-through-class, get-wasted, pass-out, get-up-later, this might more correctly be defined as avoidance rather than illumination. Despite what the Buddhah may have said about the illusory nature of reality you are on Planet College to progress, achieve, remain productively active and acquire something real, a degree. Although the day-to-day can often seem timeless and unreal there is a “real” purpose. This purpose, your graduation, can seem distant and unreal among distractions even more seductive than Eastern Philosophy, beer bongs, hotties, substances legal and otherwise, distractions Buddah never dreamed of.

Maintaining your focus and following through on your intention, your original intention, a diploma, is very, very difficult. And finally very, very necessary. It is the reason you are on Planet College.

Stay focused, Dude.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Other Schools

Higher Education Institutions tend to develop in clusters. It's probable that there are a few other colleges or universities close by where you are attending. Students on Planet College often become somewhat insular about their particular school. This may be particularly true where community colleges are concerned. At times students at four year institutions my avoid association with their community college neighbors due to let's say "issues". These attitudes can be unnecessarily restricting.

Community colleges currently enroll the largest percentage of college students in the USA. These schools are often well equipped and staffed. As a resource for the "community" that is the area generally around where they are located they function very effectively. Unless you are a student there you may not know that these schools have professionally staffed libraries, well maintained facilities and knowledgeable instructors in every area. They are also, relatively speaking, less costly than traditional four year universities and colleges.

What this can mean for you is another resource for your needs, interests and abilities. Is your library crowded, probably yes. The local community college may be able to help. Are the work out facilities on your campus aging, under-staffed or closed for remodeling? A nearby school may have what you need for now. More practically local schools also have job offices or career centers. These schools often are more responsive to the needs of local employers. This means for you that while your schools job center emphasis may be necessarily on career another local school may be more immediately helpful finding you work.

Finally, it is common for neighboring schools to have courtesy agreements with other schools. This means that your ASB card may be all you need to take advantage of the other school's facilities. Check it out.

The Job Fair.

You're slouching through the student center tastefully slobbed out in the same jeans and hoodie you've been wearing for the last three years. There, before your eyes, are rows of folding tables with company literature carefully displayed and the dressed-for-success company representatives on the cheap folding chairs that go with the tables. There, also before your eyes, are students at least some what neatly dressed, distributing carefully composed resumes and conversing earnestly. Whoa. The Job Fair. On your campus is it coming or has it gone? Or do you know? Campus job fairs are another staple on Planet College as the term grinds on. They are usually arranged by The ASU or sometimes Student Services to facilitate students getting to the point of their education. Work. Full time work.

If you like thousands of others, OK, hundreds of thousands of others on Planet College have, up until now, taken a totally casual approach to your future back on Earth it is quite possibly time to kick your career planning up a notch.

Here's a few ideas. First, if you do happen to accidentally wander through The Job Fair go ahead. Stop and talk to a few of the company representatives. Pick up business cards and send them an e-mail, "Thanks, I enjoyed talking with you."

Also, look around for a campus organization which even generally relates to careers you may be interested in. Some of these groups may be volunteer. Some of them may even have their own Career Fair or what ever they want to call their job deal. Even if you are not a member of their respective society you are probably still welcome to attend the fair. These experiences are basically informational right now but they can be inspirational in the sense that you may come across a field in which you are actually interested.

Also these events function as that time honored approach to job getting, networking. The more people you know the more likely you are to get work.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

How's it goin'? No really.

At this point in a typical term on Planet College things have usually distilled down to a daily grind. Amidst this daily grind mid-terms, tests, projects, presentations have come and probably gone. Mid-term is a good time to pause and review your progress. So. How's it goin'? Ok? No, really, this time "How's it goin'", doesn't call for they typical, "OK, Same ol' same ol' " response of a glancing social interchange. Mid-Terms and actually the resultant grades can be a useful measurement of how the now day-to-day grind really is going. Or what your efforts are actually producing.

This simple procedure can provide a beacon in the daily fog that Planet College often produces. Ask your self which has been your most difficult class. Are you doing better than you excepted in some class you were dreading? Are you doing worse? Right now the results of you effort are available. They are the grade on you mid-terms. What grades have you actually received? A? F? Incomplete? C? If you have a class or classes which are proving more challenging it is time to get some help. There still can be tutors available at the tutoring center. Make use of them, they are probably free.

And one other thing. Talk to your instructor. If you haven't spoken with her before you may have to introduce your self. Tell her which course and which of her sections you are enrolled in. Track her down somewhere, before class, after class, her office if she has one. Find her and tell her, " I want to do as well as I can in your class. And I'm finding the class more difficult than I thought." She may have some suggestions. She may not. The important thing is you have made contact and she can see you are at least interested. If she does have a few pointers take care to look like you are listening while she's speaking. This simple step, making contact with the instructor, can be really helpful around final grade time. You now have some guidelines for the rest of the term. Be sure and follow through as best as you can on these tips. Also, as noted, the instructor has seen that you are really interested in passing her course. This too can work in your favor.

Remember you want to graduate someday and until then you are entitled to all the help you can get. A lot of that help you can provide for yourself.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Talk To A Freshman

Seasoned students on Planet College have developed an efficient approach to getting through. Getting through registration, getting through a class, getting though a test, getting through the line at the food court. Planet College can be said to be about getting through. Which is why this post my seem surprising. This week or during the course of your busy schedule some time soon talk to a freshman. To many this will seem abhorrent, freshmen being the pariah of the social structure on most Planet College Campuses. But. There is a reason for this suggestion. Find a freshman, right now there are probably a few doing motocross on their fixies in and out of the founders fountain in front of the admin building. Well, you know where they are. The approach is going to be tricky unless you already know one but straight forward will probably work well. Just walk up to one, introduce yourself and say," Got time to talk?" Once they get past that you might be a nark or gay (or a gay nark) they may say "Yeah." If they do, ask them about themselves. How they got to your school, if they have a major, what their classes are like so far. Stuff like that. Then. Just listen. Really listen, because this is the point of this post. Listen very carefully. What you are likely to hear is a great deal of energy, a great deal of enthusiasm and absolutely no sense. Make the conversation brief, you do have things to do. Thank them who ever they are and move on.
Later. Reflect on their conversation and remember at one time, maybe not so long ago, you were bursting with energy, full of enthusiasm and really pretty nuts too. The value of this small encounter is to show you that through all of the daily drudgery and ups and downs of your career you have come a long, long way on Planet College.

Rock The Vote.

Progress on Planet College usually includes a growing awareness of the larger world around us. Larger in fact than typical day-to-day student life encompasses.An increasing awareness of life probably by now includes an increasing awareness of the political factors influencing your life. In the USA, the country where this site is maintained, elections occur regularly, particularly around this time of year. Their varying character include local, state and national elections which encompass every position from animal control officer to president. Your opportunity to influence these factors is characterized by an organization called Rock The Vote. Information about them is available at . Look into them. One important thing they may help you determine is where you are eligible to vote. If you are residing somewhere other than your permanent mailing address, and many, many students are, you will need to determine where you are eligible to vote. Find out when and where you can vote and what you have to do to effectively do so. It is your future.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Easy A

Myths, dreams, rumors and gossip persist on Planet College. In fact they may be said to be the essential stuff of daily student interactions. One such persistent myth is the myth of the Easy A.

You've heard it. "Hey. It's an easy A." Maybe you've followed through. Was it? Safe bet there was a little more to it than "easy" might indicate. Still this myth is so sturdy that recently a film maker has chosen Easy A for a title.

Easy A. Catchy, seductive and fictional. The movie it self capitalizes on the myth of the Easy A to explore other areas of student interaction. Still more fantasy. Attractive, appealing, intriguing and diverting. That is what fantasy is for. Especially film fantasy. For a few bucks and a couple of hours we are taken away to yet another world even more fantastic than Planet College.

When it is over we resume the day-to-day drudgery of slugging out our schedule on the way to a degree, a career and dealing with student debt. (But that's another planet.)

Meantime this fantasy serves a useful purpose. But don't confuse movie titles with the facts of Planet College. There are very, very few Easy As. Very few.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hey. Do a flyer.

For all of the choices of communication available on Planet College flyers are still among the most effective. Flyers are cheap, they are quick and they work.

Need to sell that Calculus book quick or need that Calculus book quick? Do a flyer.

House mate bailed isn't coming back? Need a room mate quick? Do a flyer.

Got a service you can trade for cash? Sushi catering, frisbee golf coach, house moving helper? Do a flyer.

Make it simple fast and to the point. Some PCs have flyer programs built in. All ya gotta do is fill in the information. Use the kind with the tear off phone tag built in. On this section put the basics. Calculus book (999) 666-XXXX CALL NOW!

Head with what you're offering or what your seeking in large bold type.


Since flyers always have to do with money place the cost, fee or price prominently below the offer.

Then your name, first name 'll do and contact number, cell, twitter, land line what ever.

If you've done it on a computer you can probably print out ten or twenty depending on how much paper you have- but- black on white paper doesn't really catch the eye. Better still print out one and then go to the campus quick copy. Have them run the copies, ten to twenty should do it, on flashy eye catching paper. Remember you want a quick response. Some copy places have that really gaudy iridescent type of paper but even a kind of Halloweenie bright orange 'll do. Ya wanna be noticed, fast.

Got the copies? OK.

Now all you need is heavy duty scotch tape, masking tape, possibly a heavy stapler and scissors.

Next, use the scissors to cut the sides of the individual tear offs which are at the bottom of the flyer.

Now armed with your flyer "kit", head out for where everybody is. The quad, the front of the book store, The registration window. Bulletin boards in the residence halls. Places everyone has to go. When you've found a location use the appropriate tape or stapler and fix the flyer at eye level. Tape if you're using tape firmly. People tend to really tear so make sure the flyer is fixed securely. If you can use the stapler do so, But. Run a strip of tape across the lower part of the flyer near the top of the tear off. This will prevent the whole flyer from being torn down when someone tears at a tearoff.

Get them all out prominently. You should have what you want, a sold book, a new housemate, a frisbee golf coaching gig within about twenty four hours. If you don't get a response within twenty four hours- do another flyer run.

Keep tryin', keep flyin' till you do. Flyers work.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Accepting Applications

Planet College endorses jobs on campus. Most student's work at least one job, often more. Working on campus provides some simple advantages. You are there anyway so transportation costs are eliminated. Depending on the place where you work there can be useful discounts, books, food, tickets and stuff. You can meet people. Social is a big part of life on Planet College so working on campus can mean expanding your in-person facebook page.

That's jobs on campus.

How about around campus, near campus, by campus? You'll see the signs at the dry cleaners, bike shop, coffee place and all, "Accepting applications." A job near campus is practically the same as a job on campus. No transportation hassle, meet people, discounts on stuff and a few bucks. Cool.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Listen Up, Soldier!

For veteran's returning to Planet College or attempting to further their education, Planet College can be more than a bit of culture shock. Compared to surviving fire fights, and roadside bombs not to mention the often barely organized insanity that is the American Military the culture of higher education can seem down right trivial. The concerns of students who have no military background often feel exaggerated. This is all in your perspective. Moving from a war zone or at least a war culture to a place where the next big party is the major student concern can be discouraging.

This is to be expected.

The shift in emphasis is overwhelming for veterans at times. While there are commonly resources on campus for veterans, often soldiers transitioning to civilian life will feel no one can understand. In fact, this is probably true. The business of most universities is preparing students for a world far different than the military. This can take some getting used to. If you are not the type of person who commonly ask for help it might be time to re-evaluate your tactics.

Asking for help is often the last thing a veteran wants to do. No one wants to be seen as the soldier who can't handle it. But this is civilian life and it is ok to ask for help. So, if you are feeling a little distressed or confused. Try the veterans affairs, try a classmate or call a buddy. It is ok to ask for help.


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Before you go back read this.

If you're Summer is dragging along and you're seriously considering not going back to school this fall consider this.

While on Planet College You have learned more than you are aware of and you now know more about you, about living, about school and about life than you currently appreciate.

So think about what you might not have learned and skills you might not have acquired had you not attempted Planet College.

Whether you go back in the Fall or not realize now you have learned a lot. If school has gotten too frustrating making a list of your options and making a simple plan of action based on your experiences can be the most useful next step in your career, whether it is on Planet College or back on Earth.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Always ask- even if she's cute.

Jacob was home from school and back working nights at a small convenience store near the beach. Jacob has worked there summers and holiday breaks since high school stocking, pricing and ringing up purchases. It's a few extra bucks in addtion to his daytime job as a lifeguard.

On typical summer weekends the store is crowded with partiers stocking up. Ice, chips, wine and beer, lots and lots of beer are typical purchases. The law in Jacob's home state requires identification to purchase alcohol for anyone who looks under thirty. By now Jacob is pretty experienced in spotting underage buyers and always asks for ID. Well, almost always. On a recent busy Friday of a holiday weekend the store was packed and Jacob was busily ringing up for the beach bound revelers and occasionally asking for ID just in case. In the midst of all this busyness a girl approached Jacob's register with a Fourty. She looked "kinda young" as Jacob recalls but she was also "pretty cute" and had a friendly smile. For the sake of expediency and possibly for the sake of making a friend Jacob skipped the part about asking for proper identification. He rang up the purchase and the girl left.

A few minutes a police detective entered the store accompanied by some local uniformed officers and the girl who had purchased the Fourty. "Did you sell this girl alcohol?" the officer demanded. Jacob was practically dumb struck. "Yes." he replied. "Did you see her identification?" Jacob said he didn't remember.

It was a sting.

The local police in association with that state's Alcohol Licensing Board had a program of sending minors into retail stores to attempt to purchase alcohol. These operations were usually during busy holiday weekend evenings. If the minor was successful the seller was cited. The detective filled out a citation while the officers took Jacob's picture with the girl holding the Fourty. Jacob signed the ticket which was an order to appear in court.

Since that night Jacob has appeared in court. The district attorney has offered him a deal in which if Jacob completes an educational course held over a weekend the charges will be dismissed. The course costs several hundred dollars, just about what Jacob makes in a month at that job.

Expensive lesson. Note it carefully. No matter where you are but especially where money is involved always follow the rules, regulations and guidelines. In retail, if part of your job is selling alcohol always, always, always ask for ID- even if she's cute.

Don't do the crime if you can't pay the fine.

The sheer busyness of life on Planet College offers numerous opportunities to cut corners, especially with minor nuisances like parking meters. "I'm just gonna run in here for a second so I don't have to put any money in the meter." Experience often shows it is best to put the money in the parking meter- even if you'll "only be a minute." While parking without paying may not seem like a serious crime, once a parking ticket is issued the actual fine can be steep. And ignoring the ticket can add up to some serious money. Skipping a few coins now can result in to paying some major bucks later. Parking tickets add up. If they are on campus unpaid tickets can eventually interfere with getting copies of your transcript. So before you "just stop for a minute" in the disabled parking space or a no parking zone-think- do you have the money to pay the fine? Well? Probably not. So go park where it's free, even if you have to walk a few blocks. Don't do the crime if you can't pay the fine.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Living in Your Department.

Summer on Planet College is the time most students earn most of the money they will need for fall term. Two jobs, three jobs even four not at all uncommon- even with squeezing in a summer school class or two. The advantage to working more than one job is you have that much less time to spend the money you are earning. This can lead to an opportunity you may not have considered.

At some point in the perpetually discouraging life of every student on Planet College there comes a time to declare and act on it. That is declare a major and do what is necessary to fulfill the requirements. This usually entails more than the average attendance/attention expended so far in your courses.

Making an outrageously serious effort to actually get somewhere in your education requires time, commitment and application. And money. If now you are strenuously involved in accumulating as much money as possible for Fall consider this.

This fall take as many courses as you are permitted in your major. Be in your department for every event, every course you need, every guest speaker and every major related program offered. This is often referred to as "Living in the department" and, as you've seen ,some devoted majors do actually end up sleeping in the hallway. Student's who have made this exceptional effort often report experiencing an unexpected lift when grades are issued. Spending one full term concentrating on nothing but your major will upgrade your assessment of your self as a student. It will also put you significantly closer to actually graduating.

Living in the department takes a special effort and is of course dependant on your finances. If working during the regular term is a necessary priority then living in your department may not be possible. Still, if you can save enough money from all those work hours this summer, then, you may be in a position to really make a move this Fall.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Ok, Now Let's review.

End of the term.

Time to review.

How did you do?

Up to expectations?

A little short? Any surprises?

Take a brief time out. Now. Even if your grades aren't in for the term. Are you any closer to your goal,now? More basically, do you have a goal?

Will you be back next term?

Too busy for all this? Yes, Probably. But if you can answer yes to any of the above questions, before you leave campus find someone, one person, who you can thank. There is at least one. The library clerk who helped with your paper. The department secretary who approved you for a class even though you didn't have the pre-requisites. The dining hall worker who kept you supplied with snacks even though you didn't have a meal plan. Someone. Some one on campus has helped you this term. Before you leave go tell them. Just say "Thanks."

Have a memorable Summer.

Planet College

Thursday, May 13, 2010

A reminder about debt.

Project on student debt maintains a site here.

Bookmark it. It is important if you have any debt at all ( and who on Planet College has no debt?) to keep up with your rights as well as your responsibilties. For example there is a recent post about congressional action which could make at least some student loans dischargeable in bankruptcy.

This may not seem important now but it could affect you in the future. Check it out.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

When a C wont cut it.

This site is dedicated to the proposition that in almost every case a student can proceed through their schooling, never get a grade higher than a C and achieve a degree.

This is almost but not always true. There are a number of exceptions. One example will do. At a State University in Southern California no student can be admitted to the Film Department, to major in Film, until (among other requirements) they achieve a grade of B in the lower division Introduction to Film course offered by the department. For other students, not potential Film Majors, this course fulfills a lower division General Education Fine Art requirement and they can finish the course with any grade they wish, (Hopefully a passing one.) But students seeking admission to the Film Department as a film major must earn at least a B.

If you are not aware of the specific requirements for, for example, your potential major right now is a good time to start looking. Really looking hard at your schedule next term and all of the requirements looming for courses you need for graduation.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Where were you on April First?

Where were you on April First? Back on Planet Earth, USA the US Census is in full operation.
In order for states and any number of federal programs to receive their fair share of funds every one needs to be counted. Especially students. You may be living in the residence halls, staying at a friends, sleeping in your car or still at home. No matter. You need to be counted because you count. April first was the official Census Day for USA Census 2010. Were you counted? It is still not too late. The US Department of Commerce through the Office of the Census will be continuing their operation through the end of May. If you believe you were overlooked contact your local census office. You matter and you count. Just you alone are worth about $3000.00 to your state of residence and at this point they really need it.

Monday, April 26, 2010

You're Not Going Out Looking Like That or .....

. from Dressy Messy Slobdom to Business Casual.

It is now time to think carefully about your appearance. The term is ending and if your career on Planet College is winding down then it is time to get a real job. Covered elsewhere is the fact that graduation announcements make useful self-promotional mailers for your real job back on Planet Earth.

Well. You send them out and what happens. You may get called for an interview. The do's and don'ts, ins and outs, ups and downs and whys and wherefores of The Real Full Time Job Interview are covered in many other elsewheres. If you need some further pointers your schools career center may have counselors who can bring you up to date.

This post is dedicated to what may be called Mom 101, remember? You were going somewhere. Somewhere a little more important than the mall or soccer practice. As you hit it to the front door that all too familiar and irritating voice split the air,"You're not going out looking like that are you?" Mom, of course, and, of course, you weren't. (Going out looking like that.)

Now the demand for air guitarists and frisebee coaches is diminishing and the job hunt is getting serious.

So. When you prepare for that first interview or that next interview or any interview. Stop. Take a look in the mirror. Seriously. Are you going to the interview looking like that? Would you hire you? Think about it. Then do something. Upgrade your look to look like someone you wouldn't mind working with. It could definitely help your chances.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Dude, you suck.

Worse than when you don't rock ( see earlier post, Dude You Don't Rock) is when you suck. And, more hardcore reality again, there are times when you basically suck and things at which you really suck. Like spelling for example. If paper after paper has shown that at spelling you suck. Well, then dude, you suck. At spelling.

There may be things at which you don't suck. Maybe nine-ball or rock gym or waiting tables or calculus. Fine. Then there that is.

And, as repeated endlessly here on Planet College, becoming aware of when you rock and when you suck and what you care about and what you don't care about is, in fact, progress. All this stuff about which you are becoming aware is you. Whether you rock or suck or neither the more you learn about you the better equipped you are to negotiate Planet College and return to Earth with something even more useful than your degree. Return to Earth with a useful measure of self-awareness.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Spring Broke

If your entire building went skiing on Party Mountain and you stayed back because you said you had to study you are to be commended. If you studied. If, what is more likely, it costs a dime to go around the world you still couldn't go around the block then you are spring broke. Penniless. Flat don't have it, financially speaking.

This condition is serious but not fatal. In fact if you actually resisted something as tempting as round the clock partying because you just couldn't afford it you may be growing up. If partying at all costs is becoming a part of your past you may be subtly subjecting your self to emerging maturity. Eventually it catches up with almost everybody on Planet College much as many resist it. It isn't exciting, it isn't sexy, it isn't even particularly appealing. But growing up happens and you may now be noticing some signs of it in yourself.

Admitting anything is the first step in incorporating it into your awareness. And an expansion of your awareness, organized and otherwise, has been the overall purpose of your Higher Education.
Becoming aware of your skills, talents, likes, dislikes and even your limitations is the basic necessity of your continuing growth during and after college.

So, if your spring broke and you know it give yourself a quiet hooray. Adulthood happens, happy Spring

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Cs Overseas

Studying abroad is not just for superior students. There are a great number of programs for averages students, C students, just like you.

Your campus may have a study abroad office. If not check a campus near you. Often a walk-in, even without an appointment can give you the general parameters of studying in another country. Programs vary from a few weeks to a full year.

Check it out.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Dude, you don't rock.

You hear it a lot on Planet College, Planet Earth and several other places.

"Dude, you rock!" Maybe it may have applied to you. Maybe at that time for a few minutes you did rock. And you may again sometime. Who knows?

But for the most part, day-to-day, in what ever endeavors you are endeavoring in you don't rock.

You simply just get by. Like all of the other desperately average students on Planet College you rarely rock.

And this is the essential situation you find yourself in, getting by, rarely rockin'.

The basic premise of Planet College is it is ok to get by. What ever you have to do as a student to get your degree is ok. If you never rock it is still ok.

The only established, tested, traditional and finally effective way to your degree is to keep steadily plugging along until you graduate.

When you do, and Planet College believes you will, you can buy one of those bricks in the quad that people purchase to commemorate themselves. You've seen them. You probably step on several on a daily basis. They are usually red and have a graduate's name, year and major handsomely etched on them. Some schools allow slogans to be included. After your name yours can say, " He hardly ever rocked but he did graduate."

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Try EDFund

Constant anxiety sometimes amounting to dizziness around money is chronic on Planet College. Students have different responses to the stress of finances but ultimately the wisest course is to face your finance situation.

While it often seems true that there is no dilemma on Planet College that more money could not solve or at least reduce, more money is rarely an option.

With no more money on the horizon useful tools relating to finance are a welcome alternative. EdFund has such tools.

EdFund is essentially a student loan management organization. This particular organization through their website offers more than most. EdFund offers comprehensive news and information about student loans and finances. They also offer finance planning tools.

Finance, your own personal finance, is something you will be dealing with for the rest of your life. A good time to start is now. EdFund has useful tools, go there and check it out.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

"Spill Chick" Is Not Your Friend.

Your sitting in your English Comp Lit class or some class that requires a paper. It is the day that it is due and you are exceptionally proud because here you have it printed out neatly and ready to turn it. As the instructor calls for the papers to be passed forward you glance down and there, like a big sticky booger on your nice neat paper, is a really gross spelling error. After all you had done finally to, for once, turn a complete paper in on time.

Chances are you have fallen victim to the curse of Spellcheck. Most word processing programs have a feature which when cued will correct spelling errors. Students who have depended on Spellcheck or some such program have often done so to their regret. Usually, the frantic process of getting a paper printed out after laboring till two am does not allow for much personal copy editing. Busy students simply allow the auto-correction device to do it's job and turn in the results. Often this is to their regret.

The problem is all digital based tools are so coldly logical that what they present as a correction often makes no sense. So in the course of a final revision for print, for example, spell check becomes spill chick and who has time to review.


That haste leads to mistakes on Planet College is not news. There may, however, be help. If you have time, and that is the tough part, take your "final" print and your tired butt to someone who is reasonably alert for a real final review. Who this might be-well- your roommate's girlfriend, one of the nice ladys who staffs the library check out desk- someone. Ask them kindly to please go over your paper to check for any obvious errors. Not to "correct" it for content or facts, simply to spot obvious errors that your weary eyes did not detect. Hopefully there will be few. Your tasks then is to make the indicated corrections and get your now nearly immaculate "final" final printed out so you can hand it in.

Remember, as with all things on Planet College, ask for help. Spill chick is not your friend.

Friday, February 12, 2010

You'll Get Mail

A large part of progress on Planet College consists of communication. Most but not all of this communication is accomplished by what are now traditional electronic means, e-mail, cell phone and the rest. However the US Postal Service is still in operation and some communication is still accomplished by mail.

 The Planet College topic of the day is Where do you get your mail?

 Most student's are so mobile that for a time at least after leaving for Planet College they leave it to mom. This is a semi-effective strategy. This means when you finally get back home there is some mail for you on your bed or dresser or on the table in the hallway. You sift through the pile swiftly mainly looking for letters from relatives who still send you money for your birthday. Finding none you toss the rest. This has been the procedure so far but if your old enough to buy alcohol at the campus keg with your real id then it might be time to start getting your own mail.

The question is where?

 The mom filing system has worked ok so far so why change? (If mom is not only filing but also opening your mail then you or she or both of you have issues that we won't deal with here.) Unless you are moving off campus to a place which will be your residence your choice is to get a mail box at one of those mailbox places. It is an additional expense which is something to consider. However, it is your life and part of the progress of, as by now you have heard so often, taking responsibility for your life is getting your own mail.

One more thing to consider on Planet College.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Pass That Math Class

The purpose of your education is to increase your potential earning power once you have returned to Planet Earth with your degree. Right now your pursuit of your degree is taking precedence over just about everything in your life. Your degree will be granted when you have completed the necessary course work. At this exact moment you are involved in the usual term load. This load consumes your day to day behaviors. At times the day to day of Planet College causes student to lose sight of the eventual goal. This is inevitable. Right now all you really need to do is pass your classes this term. This can be a little trickier at times than it sounds, as some of your grades from past terms have shown. By now you know some courses are harder than others.

For many students some required math classes are difficult and intimidating. You know this if you have attempt your required math course and either dropped or received an unsatisfactory grade. If you've had this experience and are this term once again attempting that required math course this is a brief outline of how you can significantly increase your chances of passing .

Attend Every Class Meeting.
That is self evident. You really need to be at every class meeting if you want to pass this class this term.

Get Help.
This term go to the math help lab. The one they always talk about at the beginning of the term. It is probably in the math building and there is help there. Bring your book, your homework and your quizzes. Develop and follow a regular schedule to use this important resource.

Save Your Quizzes.
Most lower division math courses feature daily quizzing. By now you are very familiar with this procedure. It is commonly a five or ten problem quiz at the beginning of the session. These are handed back corrected with your score. They are very useful to keep you aware of how you are doing. Take them to the math help lab when you go there for your help session.

Go With The Winners.
Students like to complain. It helps to relieve stress. Some students are very good at it and some of them are even very funny. Sitting around the student center entertaining each other about how difficult this course is and what a so-and-so that instructor is is a hallowed tradition on Planet College. This term, for this course, at least, don't do it. Do not involve yourself with any students who are complaining about their courses and especially the math course you are trying to pass. The reason is simple, subtle but simple. Your math esteem, that is your estimate of yourself as a math student, is very, very fragile. In order for you to solidly increase your chance of passing this math class associate your self with students who are seriously attempting to pass their courses, especially their math courses. This is what is meant by going with the winners.

Apply these principles steadily and consistently and your chances of passing this math course will be greatly increased.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Adding Late

Did you get the course you waitlisted? Do you even know if you did? If not this is not for you.
In fact, if you really don't know which courses you've added or been added to Planet College may not be for you.

This is for those who have added late or were added late.

When did you finally get to a class meeting? If it wasn't the first or second meeting you probably have at least some make-up work to do. Possibly not an assignment but the material which has already been covered. No matter how early or late in the term you add a course, you are responsible for all of the material which relates to that course. All of it. Not just the stuff you covered in the classes you have attended.

Adding late means just that. You added late. You are still responsible for the entire course.

Shortcut To Graduation.

This is a Planet College advisory about a shortcut to graduation. Your short cut to your graduation is through your next scheduled class meeting. And every class meeting for every course you are enrolled in. And every class for every course you will be enrolled in. In truth this is the only short cut to graduation. Attend every meeting of every class you are enrolled in. That is it. The short cut to your graduation is through your next scheduled class.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Classes hard to get? Be there for the final.

This term on Planet College is quite a bit different than it has been in anyone's memory. Many students, fewer courses, fewer classes. This means you may be waitlisting or other wise hoping to add some required courses. When you do get that hard won course look around the first day. The room may be packed. Every desk filled and some students who don't ordinarily sit on the floor will be sitting on the floor. This is not so untypical of any first day of a term. Now there is a lot more of it.

For your personal survival file, keep a mental snapshot of this scene. Pull it out, mentally of course, and refer to it during the term. Then look around the class as it exists. Notice the difference. By mid-term nobody will be leaning against the wall and hardly anyone will be sitting on the floor, unless they want to.

This snap shot is the key to your graduation. Courses, especially required courses, are now harder than ever to get. Getting is just the beginning. Staying is the secret. That is continuing to attend; show up and turn in your work.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Back To The fafsa.

Mid-year often calls for adjustments on Planet College. Moving, changing majors and even changing schools, these types of things. In order to keep up with your fast changing life on Planet College it is probably important to keep all of your forms up to date. Particularly your fafsa.
Your aid this year has been based on the information you provided winter a year ago. Just like this calendar year the deadline last year for whatever school you were intending to attend or attending was probably something like March Second. Things may have changed for you financially for this school year.
This is important.
If you are not continuing to recieve assistance that you had counted on for this year your next step might be revising your 09-10 fafsa. This is the first step before you go to your schools financial aid office seeking further help. This means for this year. Students are often unaware that when circumstances change for the current school year they may be in a position to ask for more help.

If this is true for you stop by your schools financial aid office and talk it over with an advisor.

On Planet College it pays to ask for help.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Dollars Not Just For Scholars

Back on Planet College for the first term this calendar year, money is on every student's mind. Searching for funds is a necessary but exhausting pursuit. Many students feel discouraged when they believe they must have a superior GPA to qualify for funds. This is not always so. Although an outstanding GPA is not doubt helpful, however, average students can also qualify for college money. Gifts, stipends, scholarships and fellowships can be had by C students. Often the qualifications are minimal. It simply takes diligence on your part to locate and obtain money for your schooling. Keep trying, ask everyone and good luck.